àgbụ̀rụ̀race; specie, especially animalsNkowaokwu
àgbụ̀rụ̀descent; lineage; ancestry;Nkowaokwu
aghawar; battleNkowaokwu
àgharaa state of complete confusion and lack of order; chaosNkowaokwu
àghị̀rịị̀ghàmischief; rascalityNkowaokwu
aghọ̀grey (especially for hair)Nkowaokwu
aghọ(rị)an unpleasant smell like the one that comes from a dirty aquariumNkowaokwu
aghụaquatic reptile that looks like a crocodile; alligatorNkowaokwu
aghụ̀ghọ̀trick; deceit; craftinessNkowaokwu
aghụlọ̀gecko [wall gecko]Nkowaokwu
àgìdia semi-solid (jellof-like) food made from maize and wrapped in special leavesNkowaokwu
agidigistrong build; toughness; ruggedness; sturdinessNkowaokwu
agụ̀person bearing same name as another; namesakeNkowaokwu
agụ̄leopard; tigerNkowaokwu