àkpịtick; bug; fleaNkowaokwu
àkpịrị̄the passage at the back of the mouth; throatNkowaokwu
àkpị̀rị̀violent writhing in pains by body twists, turning backwards and forwards as a result of great pain or discomfort, which often ends in death.Nkowaokwu
àkpị̀rìidètailor or weaver ant; green ant (Oecophylla)Nkowaokwu
àkpịrị̄mgbakathroat inflammation; pharyngitisNkowaokwu
àkpopalate; the roof of the mouthNkowaokwu
akpụ̀lump; large muscle; a swelling on the body (especially due to a hit)Nkowaokwu
akpụkpaan itching skin disease caused by the larvae of the filarial worm that makes onchocerciasis migrate in the subcutaneous tissues; craw-crawNkowaokwu
àkpụkpàntàcraw-craw; scabiesNkowaokwu
akpụkpọskin (epidermis)Nkowaokwu
akpụ̀kpụ̀lumps, especially found in pasty or doughy foods that were not well mixedNkowaokwu
akpụ̀kpụ̀lumps, especially found in pasty or doughy foods that were not well mixedNkowaokwu
akpụkpụụkwụ̄footwear; shoesNkowaokwu
akpụ̀okwūa short but insightful statement, which communicates a thought in a witty or funny way; epigramNkowaokwu