àlọọ̄mājìjìjìan intense shaking of the ground due to vibrations in the earth's crust; earthquakeNkowaokwu
àlụkwāghị̄mtermination of a marriage bond or contract; divorceNkowaokwu
àlụmdinànwunyèthe formal union of two partners in order to run a family; marriageNkowaokwu
àmàsignal; distinguishing mark; noticeNkowaokwu
amaa large space of land in front of a house but outside the premises; a large public space;Nkowaokwu
amà àmaprominent; outstandingNkowaokwu
Àmààmaamāsị̄āmāsị̄one known but never fully; mysterious oneNkowaokwu
àmadịnobleman; aristocratNkowaokwu
àmàmiheknowledge; intelligenceNkowaokwu
àmàmihe kèakamèrèartificial intelligenceNkowaokwu
àmamiikpesentence (court); judgement (court)Nkowaokwu
àmànsiactivities associated with a particular tradition; ritualsNkowaokwu
àmàràgrace; free or unmerited favorNkowaokwu
Àmàràchukwugrace of God; God's graceNkowaokwu